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Hidden Hope

It all started with a naked man in an alley….

Oh did that get your attention?

Good, now listen up. For years I’ve been fighting to be on my own and out from under my father’s control. I thought I’d finally managed it after I got my dream job in a London emergency room. Things were going great. I was making good money and even had a place of my own. I should have known the good times wouldn’t last. I apparently was engaged to a man my father picked out and soon found myself kidnapped, tortured, and forced into becoming someone else.

My whole life I’ve been lied to and something was hidden inside me... and now it’s set free.

Book 1 out of 4 This is a medium burn reverse harem where the leading character will not have to choose between her men. It is an 18+ book that has strong language, sexual situations, and physical & verbal abuse ends on a slight cliffhanger.

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Claiming Hope

So you guys remember the naked man in the alley?

Now he’s my mate along with one of his friends. I might also have my eyes on the other two as well because why not? Oh yeah forgot to mention, turns out I’m a werewolf, hence the mating thing. Not only that but I’m the only Alpha Female in existence, which makes sense why that asshole of a fake fiance wanted to keep me for himself.

*Girl you suck at explaining what's going on.*

Shut up I’ve got this handled. Managed to do it last time without you.


Thanks to the four men who came crashing into my life, I was rescued and kept safe. Now I’m on a plane to who the hell knows where while the guys keep alluding to the fact that I have an important role to play in their world. Am I ready to step into whatever they have waiting for me? I’ve only been a werewolf for two weeks and still have so much to learn.

*I keep telling her to put her big girl pants on and enjoy the ride. Live a little and enjoy life's surprises.*

What if I’m not ready for more surprises?

*Yeah, I don’t think you have a choice in that buttercup, so buckle up. We are about to land!*

Book 2 out of 4

This is a medium burn reverse harem where the leading character will not have to choose between her men. It is an 18+ book that has strong language, sexual situations, and darker material such as torture that ends on a cliffhanger.


Defending Hope

I am alone…

I can’t feel my mates through our mate bond— even my wolf is lost, tucked away somewhere deep inside me.

The new world my seven mates and I created on Kursar is now shattered, maybe gone forever. I don’t know if they are even dead or alive...I’m not even sure if I’m truly alive.

I am sedated.

Captured and again imprisoned by Vadik and Faulk. The only time I woke, I discovered something shocking. I’m pregnant. As I struggle to survive this ordeal, I’m now not only responsible for myself but my innocent baby. Vadik keeps me locked away but there is nothing more ferocious than a mother protecting her young. I vow to myself and my loved ones I will avenge the wrongs that have been done to us.

***TRIGGER ALERT: please read the author note in regards to triggers in this book. Some pertaining to the fragility of life.*** Book 3 out of 4 This is a medium burn reverse harem where the leading character will not have to choose between her men. It is an 18+ book that has strong language, sexual situations, and darker material such as torture that ends on a cliffhanger.

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Obtaining Hope

The time has come to end this.
No longer will I hide away locked in my own sorrow. Instead, I will channel that pain into righteous fury. Once again I’m reconnected with my mates, and with new allies who have been dealt the same ruthless hand as me— finally have the army I need.
The call has been sent out for those who want their pound of flesh to come together.
My enemy isn’t going down without a fight. Every move we make, they follow it up with one of their own. What they don’t know is that with each attack, I gain the knowledge I need, that will aid me in taking them down. We know where they are hiding, and we know the cruel things they’re still doing to those they claim to protect. That just fuels my thirst for vengeance.
This battle will end in one of two ways—their death or ours—and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.
Book 4 out of 4
This is a medium burn reverse harem where the leading character will not have to choose between her men. It is an 18+ book that has strong language, sexual situations, along with darker material such as torture, vilolance, and some matters pertaining to the fragility of life.

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